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Revolutionizing Sleep and Population Health Research using Sleep as a Biomarker

Sleep Research

Restless Nights, Breathless Days: Could Better Sleep Be the Key to Managing Asthma?

This blog delves into a significant exploration of the interplay between sleep traits, genetic predisposition, and the risk of asthma, as revealed by Dr. Bing Xiang. This research, conducted utilizing the extensive UK Biobank cohort, aims to unravel the intricate relationship between sleep patterns and the likelihood of developing asthma, placing a spotlight on the pivotal role of sleep health in the management of chronic inflammatory conditions. With nearly 25 million Americans and an estimated 339 million individuals worldwide affected by asthma, it's crucial to understand the multifaceted factors that contribute to this condition and its potential connection to inadequate sleep. Asthma significantly impacts the quality of life, leading to missed school and work days and imposing a substantial economic burden.

By Neurobit Health,

By Neurobit Health,

May 17, 2023

May 17, 2023


"Individuals with poor sleep patterns and increased genetic susceptibility experience an elevated risk for asthma," reveals Dr. Bing Xiang, the lead author of a comprehensive study published in BMJ Open Respiratory Research. The research, conducted using the UK Biobank cohort, aims to shed light on the link between sleep traits and asthma risk, emphasizing the importance of sleep health in managing chronic inflammatory disorders. As Neurobit strives to improve sleep health, this study offers valuable insights into the potential benefits of our solutions for those suffering from asthma.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America reports that nearly 25 million Americans suffer from asthma, with an estimated 339 million affected worldwide. Asthma is a leading cause of missed school days for children and missed work days for adults, significantly impacting quality of life. The economic burden of asthma is substantial, reaching $82 billion annually in the United States alone. Asthma, a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting millions worldwide, is now also being linked to inadequate sleep. With the growing recognition of sleep's role in overall health, Neurobit's focus on innovative sleep health solutions becomes increasingly pertinent.

The study leveraged a large UK Biobank cohort, assessing the sleep traits of 455,405 adults aged between 38 and 73 years over a decade. Five sleep factors were examined, including chronotype, duration of sleep, insomnia, snoring, and daytime sleepiness. The study also incorporated a polygenic risk score (PRS), reflecting the participants' genetic susceptibility to asthma.

The findings were striking. Poor sleep patterns combined with high genetic susceptibility led to a two-fold increase in asthma risk. Furthermore, adherence to a healthy sleep pattern correlated with a lower risk of asthma, even among participants with high genetic susceptibility. These insights underscore the importance of monitoring and addressing sleep issues as part of comprehensive asthma management strategies – an area where Neurobit's technologies can make a significant impact.

The results underscore the importance of healthy sleep in managing asthma risk. An estimated 19% of asthma cases could potentially be prevented by improving the five sleep traits assessed in the study. These findings highlight the profound influence sleep health can have on chronic disorders like asthma and demonstrate how technologies like those developed by Neurobit can contribute to improved sleep health and overall well-being.

The study's findings are not without limitations. The UK Biobank cohort consisted of adults, leaving the impact on children and younger adults unclear. The study also lacked repeated sleep records for a large subset of participants, limiting the evaluation of dynamic sleep patterns. Lastly, the correlation between asthma and sleep cannot be confirmed as causal due to potential residual confounders.

At Neurobit, we are dedicated to enhancing sleep health research and management. Our suite of innovative technologies can contribute to a deeper understanding of sleep patterns and their impact on health, including asthma management:

  1. Neurobit Score: Our AI and deep learning platform for accurate sleep event labeling can help identify and manage sleep issues that may be exacerbating asthma symptoms.

  2. Z3 Pulse: This wearable ECG device delivers detailed sleep reports with personalized guidance and tailored strategies for improvement, enabling users and healthcare providers to better understand and address sleep-related asthma triggers.

  3. Neurobit Hub: Our platform facilitates the collection and analysis of large datasets, promoting the discovery of novel biomarkers and sleep-centric treatment strategies for conditions like asthma.

The study by Dr. Bing Xiang and colleagues reinforces the significance of healthy sleep patterns in managing asthma risk, particularly in individuals with genetic susceptibility. Neurobit's technology can play a pivotal role in improving sleep health, consequently reducing the risk of chronic disorders like asthma and enhancing the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

For more information about our technologies and how they can contribute to improved sleep health and chronic disease management, visit our website or reach out to our team. Let's work together to create a world where good sleep health is accessible to all, leading to better health outcomes and improved lives.


Xiang, B., Hu, M., Yu, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, Q., & Xue, F. (2023). Highlighting the importance of healthy sleep patterns in the risk of adult asthma under the combined effects of genetic susceptibility: A large-scale prospective cohort study of 455 405 participants. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 10(1), e001535.

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Scalable solutions for physiological data collection, sleep scoring, and biomarker analysis for researchers

Scalable solutions for physiological data collection, sleep scoring, and biomarker analysis for researchers

Revolutionizing Sleep and Population Health Research using Sleep as a Biomarker

Revolutionizing Sleep and Population Health Research using Sleep as a Biomarker

Revolutionizing data management & analysis in sleep health and population health research.

Clinically validated, fully featured, AASM compliant, Cloud-AI powered automatic sleep scoring system.

Neurobit for Research

Scalable solutions for physiological data collection, sleep scoring, and biomarker analysis for researchers

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