Sleep Research
Impact of Sleep on Athletic Performance
In recent years, the critical role of sleep in overall health and performance has been increasingly recognized, particularly within the realm of collegiate athletics. This demographic, composed of young adults who juggle the dual demands of academic rigor and high-level sports participation, is particularly prone to sleep disturbances. Studies have consistently highlighted a troubling trend: a significant portion of collegiate athletes are not getting enough sleep. This dynamic is regularly attributed to the interplay of a myriad of factors, including grueling training schedules, academic pressure, and social engagements. The negative repercussions of poor or inadequate sleep are far-reaching, adversely affecting not just physical stamina but various facets of athletic performance, recovery, and the general health and well-being of student-athletes. Key areas affected include cognitive function, mental health, and overall physical readiness - all of which are essential for both academic success and athletic excellence. This article explores the intricate interplay between sleep, athletic performance, and student well-being. In particular, our analysis is focused on the importance of high quality and restorative sleep for college athletes and we spotlight a growing body of research in this domain. Furthermore, we discuss how transformative, leading-edge biometric monitoring and analytic technologies have become instrumental in improving the sleep quality of student athletes. In the context of today’s increasingly competitive collegiate sports environment, we aim to demonstrate that leveraging technology is key to optimizing student athlete performance, academic success, and overall well-being.
Sleep Patterns and Trends Among Athletes
Recent studies reveal a concerning trend among collegiate athletes regarding the quality and duration of their sleep. In a notable study of 628 student athletes from Stanford University, Mah and her team discovered that a significant percentage of their subjects were classified as poor sleepers based on self-reported questionnaires. Results showed a mean Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score of 5.38, where any score above 5 indicates compromised sleep quality. Notably, 42.4% of these athletes reported poor sleep quality, while 39.1% regularly obtained less than 7 hours of sleep on weekdays. One of the most comprehensive analyses of sleep in student athletes to date, Mah’s study analyzed a population drawn from 29 distinct varsity teams and uncovered disruptive sleep patterns across this whole range of sports. In addition, the authors noted concordant results with earlier studies that explored this trend in various other sports and geographic locations. These studies similarly found poor sleep quality in almost 80% of Canadian adolescent athletes, 83% of Paralympic sport athletes, 50% of elite rugby and cricket players, and 50% of Gealic athletes (Brauer et al, 2019). Collectively, these studies underscore the pervasive trend of sub-optimal sleep duration and quality in athletes, particularly students, and emphasize its significant implications for training, competition outcomes, academics, injury risk, and overall health (Mah et al, 2018).
Furthermore, sleep patterns among athletes exhibit considerable variability influenced by factors such as age, sex, and sport type. Male athletes, for instance, often report worse sleep quality than their female counterparts. Younger athletes, particularly those in their first two years of college, generally experience higher levels of daytime sleepiness compared to their older peers. Significant differences in sleep patterns are also observed between individual and team sports. For example, an Australian study found football players experienced higher rates of sleep disturbances than soccer and rugby players (Brauer et al, 2019). These findings highlight the need for highly personalised sleep management approaches. While general solutions for sports teams and student populations might be effective for some, an approach aiming to maximize a team’s overall performance must consider individual variability and susceptibility to sleep disturbances, suggesting tailored interventions based on each student’s unique characteristics.
The Impact of Sleep on Athletic Performance
Recognizing the critical importance of sleep for collegiate athletes, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) convened the Interassociation Task Force on Sleep and Wellness and held a Sleep Summit in 2017 intended to review and address the multifaceted sleep challenges faced by student-athletes. This gathering, featuring sleep experts, athletic coaches, administrators, and educators, was prompted by the growing awareness of the sleep challenges faced by student-athletes and the urgency for a coordinated response (Kroshus et al, 2019). Soon thereafter, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) assembled a consensus meeting to review scientific literature on mental health in elite athletes. Their consensus statement identified sleep as a primary contributor to athletes’ performance, mental health, and recovery, and emphasized the necessity of prioritizing sleep hygiene and interventions to optimize sleep duration and quality for overall athlete well-being (Reardon, 2019).
First, the negative impact of sleep restriction on physical performance, involving both cardiorespiratory and psychomotor systems, has been well-documented for many years. In the early 1990s, for example, Mougin and his team demonstrated that physiological demands – such as maximal oxygen consumption, heart rate, lactate accumulation, ventilation, and respiratory frequency – were significantly higher in athletes following sleep restriction. These findings suggest that athletes are more prone to exhaustion following a night of poor sleep, as their bodies become less efficient in utilizing oxygen and managing physical stress. Recent studies corroborate these Mougin’s research, showing marked reductions in cyclists’ maximum work rate, decreases in average and maximum power during anaerobic tests, and increases in perceived effort among athletes after disrupted sleep. Similarly, sleep restrictions in runners led to decreases in average distance and increased sprint times. Intriguingly, these findings indicate that endurance sports that require longer durations of submaximal effort, like running, may be more severely affected by total sleep deprivation than sports involving short-term maximal effort, like weightlifting. Since the former examples typically require a longer duration of sustained activity, athlete perception of effort and exhaustion is more significant to overall performance. This continues to highlight the unique nature of sleep disruptions on performance across various sports (Charest & Grandner, 2020).
Furthermore, sleep deficiencies have been linked to sub-optimal recovery of muscle glycogen, the primary energy source during exercise. Shortages in glycogen can diminish muscle function and athletic stamina, thus degrading overall physical endurance. This issue is likely related to increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic nervous system activity following prolonged sleep deprivation. As the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body’s “fight-or-flight” response and the parasympathetic system manages “rest-and-digest” functions, this imbalance leads to a state of increased activity and adrenaline, and is associated with a state of overtraining. Coupled with the glycogen recovery disruptions, the sensitivity of these physiological responses to sleep points towards its significance in athletic endurance and recovery post-exercise (Charest & Grandner, 2020).
Second, the repercussions of inadequate sleep extend beyond physical performance. Athletes with poor sleep health also face heightened risk of mental health issues, reduced cognitive and physiological recovery, and impaired daily functioning. Studies show that sleep restriction negatively impacts attention and reaction time, with even a single night of complete sleep deprivation adversely affecting reaction times. Conversely, extending sleep has been demonstrated to improve reaction times by 15% and reduce daytime sleepiness. Moreover, lack of sleep can alter an athlete's ability to make quick, sound decisions during critical high-pressure moments in a game or event, affecting their executive functions. The learning of new skills and memory consolidation, essential for athletes, are also dependent on sleep, with sleep deprivation adversely impacting memory consolidation. Sleep after learning has been shown to significantly improve performance compared to sleep deprivation, suggesting the critical role of sleep in both physical and cognitive aspects of athletic performance (Charest & Grandner, 2020). This dynamic is further emphasized by the impact of sleep restriction on the academic performance of student-athletes. Multiple studies have shown that students with better sleep (>7 hours a night) generally report higher GPAs, while poor sleep (in quality and duration) can independently predict poor collegiate academic performance even after controlling for other achievement measures like standardized testing. It’s noted that on average, for each additional day per week with sleep disturbances (early awakening, insufficient sleep or difficulty falling asleep), the probability of dropping a course increased by 10% among college students (Kroshus et al, 2019).
Finally, the link between inadequate sleep and increased injury risk and recovery time is well-established in athletic populations. The aforementioned performance alterations, along with slower reaction times, lapses in attention, and impaired visual tracking due to suboptimal sleep, significantly elevate an athlete's risk of sustaining injuries. In addition to increasing injury risk due to impaired athlete functioning, sleep disruptions cause known physiological changes such as hormonal imbalances and impaired skeletal muscle integrity. For instance, sleep restriction leads to decreased levels of testosterone and growth hormone, both vital for protein synthesis and muscle integrity, while increasing the level of cortisol -a hormone known to have catabolic effects. These sleep-induced hormonal changes can weaken skeletal muscle integrity, thereby increasing the likelihood of injury. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature reinforces this understanding, revealing that adolescent athletes with chronic poor sleep are about 1.6 times more likely to experience a sport-related musculoskeletal injury (MSK-I). This increased risk is likely attributable to both the direct impact of poor sleep on sports performance as well as the physiological changes induced by sleep deprivation in developing athletes (Dobrosielski et al, 2021).
In conjunction with impaired muscle glycogen recovery, sleep deficits also exhibit significant correlation with poor recovery from injuries. Much of the research in this area has focused on concussion recovery, which remains one of the most common yet complex injuries among athletes. Concussions involve not only physical trauma to the brain but also encompass a wide range of post-injury symptoms, including cognitive, emotional, and sleep disturbances. Studies have shown that sleep disturbances such as insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness can significantly prolong the recovery process. Furthermore, adequate post-concussion sleep is crucial for restoring normal brain function and facilitating the healing process, with poor sleep quality following trauma shown to be a reliable predictor of prolonged recovery. For general injuries not specific to brain trauma, sleep deprivation can increase the consumption of unhealthy foods, further impairing glycogen repletion and protein synthesis. In addition, impaired sleep directly affects growth hormone release and alters cortisol secretion, impacting recovery from exercise and stress. Sleep deprivation also increases pro-inflammatory cytokines, the signaling proteins released by cells primarily to regulate immune responses. When elevated, cytokines can trigger inflammation throughout the body, a response that, while part of the body's natural defense system, can become detrimental when prolonged or presented in excess. This elevation in cytokines ultimately affects the immune system, hindering muscle recovery and repair from damages sustained in high-intensity training (Charest & Grandner, 2020).
Overall, the critical role of sufficient sleep in optimizing athletic performance and individual well-being has become increasingly recognized in recent years. Sleep deprivation not only impacts physical performance by reducing athletes’ endurance and reaction times, but has also been linked with negative outcomes in academics, mental health, risk of injury, and recovery. The NCAA recognized this and concluded its Sleep Summit with the following consensus recommendations for optimizing sleep health and hygiene in student-athletes:
Conduct collegiate athlete surveys annually to assess their time commitment and ensure that they have adequate time for rest
Ensure that consumer sleep technology, when employed, is compliant with HIPAA and FERPA laws
Incorporate sleep screening into the preparticipation exam, administered before any preseason training or tryouts
Provide evidence-based sleep education to college athletes, including information on best sleep practices, the role of sleep in optimizing athletic and academic performance, and strategies for overcoming barriers to adequate quality sleep.
Offer similar evidence-based sleep education to coaches (Kroshus et al, 2019).
Practical Recommendations
In this article, we have summarized some of the key research findings of recent years that demonstrate the critical role of sleep in optimizing athlete health and success. As college athletes are particularly susceptible to sleep disorders and a multitude of environmental stressors, it is vital to educate these students and their coaches on the importance of sleep and good sleep habits. Practical recommendations have included advocacy for team level interventions,such as prioritizing sleep hygiene, cultivating a culture of healthy sleep, systematically screening for sleep problems, treating sleep disorders, and managing training and travel schedules (Charest & Grandner, 2020). However, this broad approach in managing sleep on the team level fails to capture the nuanced and dynamic nature of each athlete's individual sleep patterns and recovery needs.
Within the contemporary technology market, there are dozens of solutions designed to empower athletic teams by addressing sleep to optimize the health and performance of college athletes. A leading example of this emerging class of sleep solutions is Neurobit Health’s SleepFit360. SleepFit360 offers a tailored approach to athlete sleep and wellness optimization by leveraging AI-driven analytics and non-intrusive monitoring via a user-friendly wearable device. A light and comfortable device strapped to the chest captures biometric information throughout the night. In the morning, Neurobit’s proprietary algorithms provide critical insights into each athlete's unique sleep patterns, quality and biomarkers for respiratory and cardiovascular health. Neurobit’s flexible solution enables coaches and athletic departments to utilize any monitoring schedule that meets their needs. Regular monitoring not only aids in early detection of fatigue patterns to prevent injuries, but also enhances competitive advantage by improving training efficiency and athletic performance.
Neurobit’s cloud-based platform for aggregate team and individual athlete insights provides daily reports for efficient tracking, analysis and intervention, enabling coaches and trainers to make data-driven decisions. For example, coaches can determine the impact of specific training and practice schedules on sleep and quantify the efficacy of specific interventions. Trainers and team physicians can also efficiently evaluate a range of recovery strategies and design personalized training and recovery programs for individual athletes. Furthermore, Neurobit’s AI-driven sleep reports offer personalized recommendations and interventions based upon a comprehensive analysis of physiological data patterns. These personalized recommendations address the specific sleep and recovery needs of each athlete, taking into account factors such as training load, stress levels, and individual health metrics.
The critical role of sleep in optimizing the health and performance of collegiate athletes cannot be overstated. As we have explored, the challenges posed by inadequate sleep extend across a broad spectrum, from diminishing physical performance, increased risk of injury, to adverse effects on mental health and academic performance.
Traditional approaches to managing sleep at the team level, while beneficial and well-intentioned, often fall short in addressing the needs of the athlete as an individual. However, advanced solutions such as Neurobit SleepFit360 represent a quantum leap in sleep science. By providing AI-driven, personalized insights through non-intrusive monitoring, SleepFit360 offers a nuanced and effective approach to sleep management. Neurobit’s ability to tailor recommendations and interventions to the unique needs of each athlete enhances individual performance and well-being while empowering coaches and trainers with the data and tools required for precision athletic management. Embracing such innovative technologies is key to fostering a culture of healthy sleep and ensuring that collegiate athletes are equipped to excel both on the field, in their academic pursuits, and in life itself.
Brauer AA, Athey AB, Ross MJ, Grandner MA. Sleep and Health Among Collegiate Student Athletes. Chest. 2019 Dec;156(6):1234-1245. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2019.08.1921. Epub 2019 Aug 28. PMID: 31472156.
Charest J, Grandner MA. Sleep and Athletic Performance: Impacts on Physical Performance, Mental Performance, Injury Risk and Recovery, and Mental Health: An Update. Sleep Med Clin. 2022 Jun;17(2):263-282. doi: 10.1016/j.jsmc.2022.03.006. PMID: 35659079.
Dobrosielski DA, Sweeney L, Lisman PJ. The Association Between Poor Sleep and the Incidence of Sport and Physical Training-Related Injuries in Adult Athletic Populations: A Systematic Review. Sports Med. 2021 Apr;51(4):777-793. doi: 10.1007/s40279-020-01416-3. Epub 2021 Feb 9. PMID: 33560506.
Kroshus E, Wagner J, Wyrick D, Athey A, Bell L, Benjamin HJ, Grandner MA, Kline CE, Mohler JM, Roxanne Prichard J, Watson NF, Hainline B. Wake up call for collegiate athlete sleep: narrative review and consensus recommendations from the NCAA Interassociation Task Force on Sleep and Wellness. Br J Sports Med. 2019 Jun;53(12):731-736. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100590. Epub 2019 May 16. PMID: 31097460.
Mah CD, Kezirian EJ, Marcello BM, Dement WC. Poor sleep quality and insufficient sleep of a collegiate student-athlete population. Sleep Health. 2018 Jun;4(3):251-257. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2018.02.005. Epub 2018 Mar 27. PMID: 29776619.
Reardon CL, Hainline B, Aron CM, Baron D, Baum AL, Bindra A, Budgett R, Campriani N, Castaldelli-Maia JM, Currie A, Derevensky JL, Glick ID, Gorczynski P, Gouttebarge V, Grandner MA, Han DH, McDuff D, Mountjoy M, Polat A, Purcell R, Putukian M, Rice S, Sills A, Stull T, Swartz L, Zhu LJ, Engebretsen L. Mental health in elite athletes: International Olympic Committee consensus statement (2019). Br J Sports Med. 2019 Jun;53(11):667-699. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715. PMID: 31097450.
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